Amadé–Bajzáth–Pappenheim Castle, Iszkaszentgyörgy

Amadé–Bajzáth–Pappenheim Castle, Iszkaszentgyörgy

CLOSED A visit to the Amadé–Bajzáth–Pappenheim Castle and its park is equal to a journey through the history of art as the characteristics of every style can be spotted from the baroque to the 20th century neo-baroque. In its wing open to visitors we can find a contemporary gallery.

The settlement of Iszkaszentgyörgy came into the ownership of the Amadé family in the 17th century. The construction of the present day building is linked to six different periods. Its core was built by Antal Amadé in the first third of the 18th century while its eastern wing and gate was built by Tádé Amadé in 1764. At the end of the 18th and at the beginning of the 19th century the foyer of the main wing and the parapet of the main staircase were completed. In 1800 the Bajzáth family bought the castle and the estate so it might be that this later extension is connected to their name. Around the 1820s György Bajzáth extended the two ends of the main wing sideways in a classicist style. Around 1840 the openings on the façade looking out onto the park were given a new stone frame which was probably designed by Mihály Langmasy master builder. In 1870 the counts of Pappenheim bought the building which was considerably extended by Szigfrid Pappenheim between 1904 and 1909 along the design of Gabriel Seidl a professor of architecture from Munich. The western wings were built at this time in neo-baroque style. The terraced landscaping of the park around the castle was unique in Fejér County. The garden designed by Schusstig head gardener also contained several plant specialities. After 1945 different institutions of the community were housed here such as the town hall, school, nursery school and the chemists’.

Address: 8043 Iszkaszentgyörgy, József Attila street 1.