The Castle of Simontornya

The Castle of Simontornya

This settlement received its name after the tower built by Simon, son of Solomon. The gatehouse of the Simontornya Castle and the Old Tower with its staircase is the only remaining renaissance group of buildings from the beginning of the 16th century.

We find ourselves in a real romance-novel: gothic twin-windows, renaissance cross-windows, cannon terrace, battlements, remains of walls, special columns, arcades, castle-chapel, cavalier hall, court surrounded by renaissance architecture, a selection of stones and the most beautiful renaissance fireplace from Tuscany which is unique in Hungary.

It was given to János Hencfia by Charles Robert in 1324, then inherited by the Lacfis in 1347 and finally it became the possession of the Kanizsais. Pipó Ozorai acquired it from Kanizsais as part of a land swapping scheme and it was later bought by the Garai family in 1427.

Its heyday was in the first decade of the 16th century. The chunky old tower was built using bricks at this time as well as the gatehouse but the wings of the palace received a renaissance façade ornamented with balustrade. It was more of a nobleman’s residence than a castle thus it was easily captured by the Ottomans conquering the central parts of the country in 1543. The end of the long Ottoman rule was brought by the arrival of the troops of Marquis Lajos Badeni in September 1686 as the small number of guards yielded to them. It was planned to be blown up at the beginning of the 18th century but eventually it was left intact as requested by the Styrum-Limburg family loyal to the Habsburgs. In the Francis II Rákóczi uprising the castle was the base for János Bottyán.

Address: 7081 Simontornya, Vár square 10.
Phone: +36 74 486 354