The realm of palaces

The realm of palaces

In former times there were 4500 castles, mansions, palaces, forts and citadels in Hungary most of which were destroyed in the storms of history. Those who feel like visiting the most spectacular and attractive memorials of the historic past can chose from many ancient castles and mansions in Fejér County. What are you waiting for? The castles are waiting for you!

Using Székesfehérvár as a central starting point we can admire the century-old walls of thirty stately homes including the Esterházy Castle in Csákvár, the Festetics Castle in Dég with the largest English garden in the country, the Nádasdy castle in Nádasladány which is the only romantic castle in Hungary built in Tudor style, and also the romantic Brunszvik castle in Martonvásár where Beethoven once lived or the ruins of the Habsburg castle in Alcsutdoboz.

An outstanding treasure is the Károlyi castle in Fehérvárcsurgó which was renovated by the descendants of the family and where they run a gallery, hotel and restaurant as well as organise quality programmes evoking former life in the castle. Although there are only fragments of the former royal palace and castle walls we do have a very special castle that is well worth visiting before we depart. The castle of Jenő Bory is a special piece of art designed and built by the artist himself that was built over the course of 40 summers almost completely of concrete. The 30-metre-high castle is the ultimate example of marital love. Mosaics, glass-paintings and ornamental fountains appear in the most unexpected places both inside and out. On the corridors running around the hundred-column court of the castle stand the great characters of Hungarian history, heroes, minstrels and kings from Grand Prince Árpád to Sebestyén Tinódi Lantos.

After visiting Bory Castle we can set out to discover the surrounding areas but you should plan your route carefully if you do not want to miss anything! Can we help? (map with 3 routes)

Highlighted days:

Middle of May – Székesfehérvár: Jam-Bory Castle

June – Fehérvárcsurgó: European Bedding-plant and Horticulture Days in the Károlyi Castle

July – Martonvásár: The Beethoven Eve of the National Philharmonics in the Brunszvik Castle 3 times

July – Fehérvárcsurgó: Harp and guitar concert of the „Musiciens libres” in the Károlyi Castle

1September – Fehérvárcsurgó: Quartettisismo European String-quartet Festival in the Károlyi Castle

First weekend of September – Csókakő: Csókakő Castle Games