Budenz House – Ybl Collection

Budenz House – Ybl Collection

CLOSED - The eponymous and the owner of the building was Budenz József, a famous  linguist.  Here we can see the fine and applied art collection of the Ybl family.

The famous member of the Ybl family was Ybl Miklós. He was born in Székesfehérvár and he became well- known all over the country. The Opera House in Budapest and  Várkert Bazár in Buda were designed by him. In our town in Vörösmarty square can be seen his buildings they were built between 1860-65. Ybl Ervin was an art historian, specialized in the Italian medieval and early Renaissance sculpture. He left his collection after his death to the town.

This collection contains furniture, paintings, ornaments of the 18th and 19th centuries and Ybl Ervin's private art collection .

Address: 8000 Székesfehérvár, Arany J. street 12.
Email: bejelentkezes@szikm.hu
Opening hours: Temporarily closed