The characters of the clockworks represent the figures of kings whose names are connected to legends. The historical figures first appear at 10 o’clock in the morning accompanied with music and later we can see them again at 12:04 when all the bells of the city’s churches finish chiming. After that every two hours, at two, four and six o’clock the royal figures make their procession. The music of the carillon which accompanies the chiming is a folk song entitled “Oh, where are you shining Hungarian star” which is linked to King St. Stephen and also a medieval tune the „O Pastor aeterne”. The figures of the clockworks are the following: the trombone player, St. Stephen (István) and Prince Emeric (Imre), King St. Ladislaus (László), St. Elizabeth (Erzsébet) and St. Margaret (Margit), King Matthias (Mátyás) and Queen Beatrix. The clockface is special, it has a 24-hour arrangement. The numbers on the light background show the daylight hours while the ones on the dark background show the evening and night hours. The 12 months, a star map and a horoscope disc connected to the clockface as well. This rotates adjusting the correct picture to the name of the month thus going round once a year on the face. The Clock Museum hundreds of wall-clocks, grandfather clocks, pocket-watches, wrist-watches and even the mechanism of a tower clock from the 17
th century can be seen. Advanced bookingis needed.