Vörösmarty Theatre

Vörösmarty Theatre

Székesfehérvár, the cradle of acting in Hungarian, offers open air productions in the summer and from the autumn it provides exciting premiers for the lovers of theatre. The new season centres around the jubilee: it is just twenty years since Vörösmarty Theatre set up its own company.

An essential part of dipping into and experiencing the culture of Székesfehérvár is attending a performance at the Vörösmarty Theatre. In the name of diverse genres it is a must that there are musical plays, motion-theatre and experimental stage productions beside the classical pieces just as it is a must that the company of the theatre lists the names of the greatest. It is worth browsing the repertoire!

A teaser for the 2015/2016 season: Balfácánt vacsorára, Csókos asszony, Augusztus Oklahomában, Tizenkét dühös ember, A velencei kalmár, Kakukkfészek, Gombóc Artúr, Terrorizmus, Szutyok, Művészet, János vitéz.