Culinary excursions in the footsteps of tradition

Culinary excursions in the footsteps of tradition

We will lure the enthusiasts of Hungarian dishes into the Bozóky Wine Museum tempting us with a glass of Móri Ezerjó, then into the Agárd Pálinka Distillery that is regarded as a culinary sanctuary and into the open cellars of Etyek. If you would like to find out more about the traditions of our region you must first visit the Open Air Museum hidden amongst the buildings of Rácváros winner of the European Nostra Award!

In the Palotaváros (Palace Town) open air museum in Rác (Rascian) Street we can experience the everyday life of the famous hat maker dynasty, the Dietrich family, we can see the tools and guild relics of the currier, the cobbler, the bootmaker, the shoemaker, the saddler, the scourer, the fur-dresser and the “szűr” tailor. We can call at the Craftsmen’s House where the Association of the Fehérvár Craftsmen give us a glimpse into the secrets of making folk musical instruments, egg painting, cakes with wooden templates, felt balls, reed mace boats and paper. Not far from here in the producers’ market of Jancsárkert you can taste authentic local flavours. Then let’s head to the Vértes Hills followed by the famous wine region of Mór! Traditions are preserved even in the flavours in Csákvár the former centre of pottery. The mustard and sour-cream steak of Csákvár carries the unique flavour of the Vértes region with the spicy taste of beef as a result of the “harsh” farming style. It is served with pasta as a side dish and good quality wine from Mór. You can visit many places in the region if you are to find good wine: the cellars near Lake Velence or Etyek where we can taste the fine wines, extracts, country like dishes, home-made cheese and the smoky-luscious delicacies of the Master of Ham. Along with the wine in Mór traditional Swabian dishes present culinary specialities such as the wine-soup of Mór, chicken soup with paprika and the kvircedli. Kvircedli is a dry cake that you dip into wine or wine-soup according to the old tradition. The wine-soup is a speciality of German origin boiled with eggs and flavoured with spices while the chicken soup with paprika was an inevitable part of Swabian weddings.

Hungarians are a nation of horses and the thousand-year-old culture of horses is a part of our nation’s heritage. We can find out about the native gidran (Hungarian Anglo-Arab) horses at the stud farm in Csákvár or we can saddle-up at the Hétkúti Riding Park at the foot of the Vértes Hills where we can indulge in culinary joys while admiring the idyllic surroundings.


Highlighted days:

  • January – Etyek: Winter Picnic in Etyek
  • February – Moha: Tikverőzés (shrove Tuesday)
  • April – Etyek: Spring Picnic in Etyek
  • End of April, beginning of May – Velence: Lake Velence Fish, Game, Wine and Pálinka Festival
  • June – Etyek: Summer Picnic in Etyek
  • June – Székesfehérvár: By Fire and Sword Festival
  • August – Székesfehérvár: International Folk-dance Festival
  • September – Etyek: Autumn Picnic in Etyek
  • September – Rácalmás: Pumpkin Festival
  • The first weekend of October– Mór: Wine Days in Mór
  • October – Székesfehérvár: Mangalica Festival